ACTLM Members Donate $2,000 to the 2019 Minnesota State High School Mock Trial Program
Filed under: MSBA Mock Trial Sponsorship
The Academy of Certified Trial Lawyers of Minnesota for 2019 committed as part of its scholarship, membership and public relations committees to sponsor the Minnesota mock trial program that is run by the Minnesota State Bar Association. Through generous member contributions, ACTLM was able to commit the amount of $2,000.00 to the prevailing team to assist in deferment of costs associated with the national tournament. For 2019, Apple Valley High School’s Mock Trial Team was the selected team and will advance to the national tournament in May 2019. ACTLM Member J.D. Feriancek had the honor of being part of the panel that judged the State High School Mock Trial Final Round at the St. Louis County Courthouse in Duluth, Minnesota.
The appreciation was heartfelt and expressed over and over by students, their parents, teachers, coaches and Minnesota trial court judges thanking the members of ACTLM.
The heartfelt appreciation of the Apple Valley team was expressed in its note of thanks: